The cones did their job but they also would continue to build up and require sulfates to remove them. So I am trying to eliminate them, for the most part, also from my regimen.
"Cones" are in everything from the conditioners I used to the leave-in detanglers, to the heat protectant serums. EVERYTHING that I loved most when using my hair products has some form of "cone" in it. So this experiment/change for me, is drastic and I am still trying the experiment to judge for myself my own satisfaction with the results.
So at about a month trying no-poo, what do I think?
I think there is A.L.O.T of information out there of attempts and trials and grand results of going no-poo. From the extreme water-only washing to the co-washing (conditioners only) and natural ingredient shampoo bars to making concoctions of my latest find using none-other than BORAX.
So I am going to try Borax diluted with water as my next attempt at no-poo.
My Original Borax and Rosemary Hair Wash Recipe 7/6/2014 =
Boil 1/2 gallon of water and add 1 1/2 tablespoons (roughly) of dried rosemary herb. Let that come to a full boil for about 20 minutes. Strain the herb (after doing this recipe I realized I should have let the rosemary steep longer to get a more intense color for helping with the grey hair and that might help the scent to be stronger in the after effects; oh well- so next time...) and in a glass bowl while the water is still warm add a cup of Borax. Let the Borax dissolve by stirring. Then use a funnel to poor the solution into a gallon size jug. Add distilled water to complete the gallon for proportion (pretty close). Refrigerate the solution.Up until now I have been happy with my results of using the natural only ingredient conditioning cleanser I found from the folks at Renpure. But I wanted to try to get this strategy a bit more 'economical' with all the reviews I have read about less washing and using simple products. I don't use the ACV rinse as much anymore because I have been using the natural conditioning cleanser, but I may have to add ACV to the routine with the Borax (there are mixed reviews on that). However, the biggest change for me as I continue this will be the delays in washing my hair. I have only went a couple days or so (without washing my hair) during the transition period and now I am on day 3 from my last hair/scalp wash (which was following my root touch up with permanent color -- I know -- don't judge). And my scalp is still clean, not flaky and to my surprise - NOT OILY AT ALL. And that last wash was using a Renpure product with Argon oil.
All my life I have had to shampoo by the next day and at the most by day 2 after washing because of the oil buildup on my scalp being unbearable. So this is the best part for me. That and the fact I haven't had to deal with dandruff since this started. That was an infrequent issue for me anyway, but still something I had to deal with every couple weeks or so when i would get flakes and build up on my scalp.
Another recent find I like -- but remember a LITTLE goes a LONG WAY with this product -- is grapeseed oil. I don't recommend it for cooking - from my research finds, but for hair and skin it has the reputation of being AMAZING. and it is cheap! I am liking the results so far.
My hair is down to my waist, so my ends are dry and challenged after so much over-abundance and abuse of the "cones" that I'm no longer making available to them. Every dimethicone known to man as been caked on my ends at some point... so I try to baby the ends of my hair with oils - but again - A LITTLE goes a LONG WAY peeps. (Place a few drops in your hand, rub your palms together till you just see a sheen coating, then rub your palms through the ends of your hair first and working your way up. Don't apply this oil to your scalp unless you are doing a scalp treatment for dander or dryness.
If you care, follow my posts and keep up with my findings. I will let you know what I think soon.
Are you co-washing, doing an alternate version of no-poo, or going fully no-poo?
Are you considering the no-poo challenge?
Share your experiences in the comments...