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The Reviews Are In

The Buttefly Effect

Did you know the slightest ripple of action can alter the earth’s atmosphere on the other side of the globe? 
Sounds farfetched.

But this book provides examples of actual events, small tokens of doing the right thing that have resulted in an outcome drastically different from what ‘it could have been’ had these individuals not stepped up to the plate and taken action that made a real difference.  Even if the difference was something that person couldn’t realize but we see it centuries later.

Powerful, meaningful and yet a quick read; I read it aloud to my son and kept his interest and I’m hoping it made a true impact.  He’s 15 and loved the dialogue of the battle of Gettysburg...(READ MORE...)

Walk Like You Have Somewhere To Go

The mother of Shaquille O’Neal, Lucille O’Neal shares her life story in this book, Walk Like You Have Somewhere to GoShe struggles through a difficult childhood and shares about her life when she becomes pregnant as a teen and the ramifications when she starts her journey as a single mom.  Her path may have been full of difficult moments but... (READ MORE...)

Never Let You Go

If you like the suspense and page turning intensity of Ted Dekker, you have to read works by Erin Healy.  She coauthored , which I also read and reviewed a few months ago. But the book, Never Let You Go, was written by Healy herself.  It is definitely full of suspense and surprises.  She gets you pulled into the story quickly…
Quote from Never Let You Go:
The parking lot light gasped again and this time faded to black.  The steady yellow light behind her also flickered once and died, stranding Lexi in black air exactly halfway between the restaurant and car.  She stopped.  A second later, two at most, the light over the Volvo staggered back to relative brilliance. (READ MORE...)

The Gospel According to Lost

The other night I turned over to ABC on the television and realized Lost was coming on. I squealed like a little girl. I love the show. I was an avid fan from scene 1, season 1. The writers are talented to say the least and even way back then I compared the show to box-office-hit movies. With the suspense and intrigue, they had me atlost hello.

I watched the first two seasons and then they changed their night, changed the time, and I fell off the bandwagon. I’m a single mom – I only have so much time and can only adjust so much of my schedule around television and no, I don’t own TiVo. So two more seasons went by, then three, and I became “lost” to what was going on; but still fondly referred to them as a fav TV show. And this year (their final season forever) I have started watching again.

A few months back I was able to pick a book to review from some recent releases from Thomas Nelson. And there it was. My book. The book that was written (READ MORE...)
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