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Oct 24, 2008

He said, “I love you!”

We listened to the “click, click, click” as we crept slowly upward; it was endless. Finally at the top, the car hesitated. We raised our hands, started screaming and off we went….. down down down, into what seemed a bottomless hole, a bottomless breathless deep gulf of space until we swooshed up the next hill and around and around into a loop.

Phoenix roller c Yes, life is like a roller coaster. In my college days while taking a writing class I compared dating to a roller coaster. What did I know back then? (Actually what do I know now?) I had only dated 3 guys from the time I was 16 till I was 20 (well maybe a couple more) but none of them were serious boyfriends. Yet I thought I  had experiences that I could compare to a roller coaster ride. One day I am going to search through my college paraphernalia and locate those early writings and share them with my readers here. But for now a simple recollection, or reminiscence will have to do.

Well last night though, I felt the rush inside me as I heard those words. It reminded me of the thrill of the roller coaster ride in full swing. But in this case those words had nothing to do with dating, not one thing. It was a guy who said them, a thirteen-year-old young man. Too young to be dating, don’t you think?

Yes it was my son who said those words to me. He actually initiated the phrase “I love you”! It meant the world to me because it wasn’t from a prompting or a result of my insistence he say the words.  He is a young teenager, a good kid and a good student, but he hates to say those three words to me. Normally I stand waiting for him to reply to that phrase, even repeating it, and hoping for more than the normal “ok” that he gives me. That’s supposed to be enough.

But last night, he gave me a gift. He said those words first and a rush went through me and almost took my breath away.  Not to the point where I couldn’t return the phrase...... but close.

Find yourself, keeping it real.

Photo Credit:  http://www.knoebels.com/images/rides/Phoenix.jpg


Big Daddy Hokie said...

As much I look forward to seeing my son (3-1/2) grow up, there are some things that I'm not looking forward to, namely the day that it's not cool for Nic to tell his old man that he loves him. *sigh*

I went through that phase with my dad, but it seemed to be during my teens. I bet that was a long seven years for my dad, but I'm sure he was the same way with his dad ... and so the cycle continues.

But, it's refreshing to hear that a teenager can still utter three little words that can have a huge impact on a mom's or dad's life!

My son likes to tell me all the time - of course, it's usually either right before or right after he's done something he probably shouldn't be doing. But, it's still nice to hear!


Beautiful. I love this post!!

Anonymous said...

I've got the chills... Mmmm.

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