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Apr 23, 2009

Mr. M. Took a Hike

Mr. M. took a hike.


Here is the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is the sky at the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is my sister, so shy, not looking at the sky at the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here are two of her girls who came along with my sister so shy at the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here I am crossing the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here are the rocks that filled up the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here are the boys who liked climbing the rocks that filled up the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is the waterfall that amazed the boys who liked climbing the rocks that filled up the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is the climb that we all had to take to see the waterfall that amazed the boys who liked climbing the rocks that filled up the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is the snake that slithered up the side opposite the climb that we all had to take to see the waterfall that amazed the boys who liked climbing the rocks that filled up the stream that ran beside the trail of my shy sister's girls who came along from the beginning of the hike that Mr. M. took.

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Here is Mr. M and I as we finished the hike that Mr. M. took.

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