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Dec 16, 2010

Snow time like the present

As I sit on the sofa, curled up in a blanket with my laptop on me and Kass plays with her Lego city she is making on the loveseat, I look out the window at the snow.  It’s our first snow day. The office was closed and of course the schools were as well.  Ice covers our street and snow lays a few inches thick over everything.

We have been so hectic crazy busy lately that I haven’t blogged in eons, it seems.  Not really.  A few pics here and there, but that is all I have been able to post.  Finally with a snow day bringing some time to spare, what do I dare say here when it comes to my thoughts, my fears, my personal growth, my future?

It is what it is. 

Life is good, life is hard, life is beautiful.  But sometimes we have to look a little harder to see that beauty; to see through the muck that comes our way.  This includes expenses that pile up to keep a vehicle on the road, or paying higher electric bills for the season.  It’s not easy.  I’m not going to pretend that it is… to keep up with everything.

But here is what I do know. With a little faith, a little hope, and a lot of prayer, it can be done.

And happiness and contentment can be found.  Even taking care of all the “muck” as a single parent, it can be done. With wrapping paper staring at me in one corner and gifts that need to be wrapped in the other, I know it is still possible – to get it all taken care of, even in the midst of the gift giving season.

Laundry may be piling up and I never get a completely empty sink in the kitchen, but the kiddos are fed, playing, talking to me about recent adventures with friends, and enjoying the most up-to-date techno gadgets.  Plus I know where they are, what they are doing, who they are with and overall that they are staying out of trouble. They continue to make me proud. What more can a mom ask for?

2010-11-23 002

What are you grateful for this Christmas?

As a single parent, what are you asking for this Christmas?

How do you define happiness in your present moment?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Find yourself… keeping it real

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