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Nov 19, 2009

Turkey Day Traditions

I started thinking about our Thanksgiving traditions when I heard sponsored by Target and www.Twittermoms.com.  Since my favorite store happens to be Target and Twittermoms is one of the best blogging contest sources around…I had to participate! 

Thanksgiving traditions changed for us when I lost close members of the family two years ago.  We had always spent that special day with my grandmother and my mom.  They both went to Heaven in 2007.  So with that year our traditions changed. 

But there are still two or three things that I do with the kiddos, and I think of both of these lovely ladies every Thanksgiving.

The Parade

Curling up on the couch to watch the parade is definitely the number one tradition of sorts.  Even my son, now at 14 will sit on the sofa and watch as Kass and I curl up on the loveseat and we comment on each of the floats, singers, balloons as they pass by. 

We always watched the parade at my grandmother’s house over the years when we would celebrate this special day with family… so now doing the same with my kiddos at home… makes the day special.

Turkey at home

We have to have turkey (and mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie).  I asked my daughter if she wanted me to fix the meal this year for us three or if she wanted to just go out to dinner.  She said we have to cook turkey and mashed potatoes, and…. (the list continued as she explained her choice to me).  So we will be at home, as tradition has it… and I will be cooking.  It used to my mom and my grandmother that had this job (when they were able)…. but I don’t mind (I guess).  It’s for my kiddos… so it’s worth it.

One Christmas story

This is one tradition I haven’t kept up with, but want to start it again even though my kiddos are getting older.  My mom would always take my cousins and my sister and me into a room after the Thanksgiving feast and she would read to us a Christmas story… as the kickoff for the Christmas season.  I’m not sure if my fourteen year old will sit for me to repeat this sentimental tradition… but I plan to find one special story (it was different every year she read to us) and read it to them after the meal.

What are your special Thanksgiving traditions?

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