Those snow boots
Remember the cardboard boots Kass made last year when we didn’t get the forecasted snow and she was so disappointed? Well we definitely were not disappointed this year with all the snow that came before Christmas. You got a chance to see those photos, right? That snow is still around: on the lawn, piled up on the sides of the streets, along the banks, lots of snow remains here.
Well one thing we found out when we received all that snow was that Kass had outgrown her real snow
boots from last winter; and now we are on the lookout for new boots for her. I heard about these kids wellies that are pretty cool. So they will be on the list as we keep searching for a pair of boots that she will want to wear.
I learned a year or so ago that just because I pick out something I like or even think she will like… doesn’t mean SHE WILL like it. Ever since, I don’t buy stuff for her to wear unless she has seen it and said she will indeed wear it. That’s why I want to make sure I let her pick out the boots online before I attempt to order anything.
What age do you start letting your kiddos decide what they are going to wear?
Kass just turned 11 and yes, I have been letting her choose for over a year, maybe longer. But I can remember when she started getting tougher to buy for and when she stopped liking the “girly” stuff I was buying… oh the dresses and tights I invested in that she only wore one or two times…after they sat in the closet collecting dust - that’s when it finally sunk in. I needed to let her pick things out – before I invested in the outfits or the shoes.
Is 11 too young to have some independence in making her own choices?
I would love your feedback.
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