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May 3, 2010

Aging and Insurance

Work is hectic right now, and so blogging has been taking a back seat.  I still have the six tips for realizing your inner beauty I want to share and along with that series I have to tell you about a recent email I received from a young man asking for advice about a girl he had just met… and mistakenly insulted.  Yes more about all that soon.  Sign up for the subscription RSS feed if you don’t want to miss the upcoming blogposts.

hand with pen But today as a sponsored post, I want to talk to you about life insurance.  A difficult part of growing up is realizing your parents also continue to get older.  As parents age sometimes it leads to difficult subject matters, difficult decisions, and complicated legal matters.  

A friend of mine is dealing with aging parents.  Her dad is in the hospital as I write this; he has been suffering from a long battle with Alzheimer's – sound familiar?  I can relate many times to stories she shares with me as I remember a few years ago dealing with many of the same issues when my mom suffered from the disease.  It is a horrible disease and as I listen and share related stories –I so want to help her but then realize there’s nothing I can do to fix it.  I can only be a friend, but in essence that is all she really needs from me.

As she and her family come to terms with what’s next, they have taken steps to ensure certain things were in place.  They met with lawyers and now have a game plan for handling his estate and her mom’s assets.  It can be so complex and overwhelming.  One item that people need to have already in place when considering all this is funeral insurance.  At the very least they need to have this expense anticipated as a part of his insurance package.

It  is hard to talk about aging parents.  Some of you reading this don’t have to worry about such matters for a long time.  But in the mean time, there is no reason you can’t go ahead and get life insurance quotes.  Life insurance is something you want to think about and plan for earlier rather than later.  I remember how grateful we were that my mom had it in place when the time came.

My heart goes out to my friend who is in the middle of this difficult part of her dad’s journey.  I am praying for her and the family and hoping comfort and peace surround them at this time as they make such difficult decisions.

Remember, sometimes we have to deal with things that are not on the pleasantries list of life.  Life insurance is one of those things, but a necessity all the same. 

Find yourself… keeping it real.

Disclaimer: The above has been a sponsored post.(http://www.aussie.com.au/)
Photo Credit:  PhotoXpress.com – Paul Paladin
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