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Apr 15, 2010

Narcissistic; who me?

I read The John Tesh blog daily.  And in a recent post he talks about pitfalls that could slow the progress of your spiritual growth. (Check out that post; it’s full of good stuff on spiritual growth.) And I wanted to focus on my spiritual life.  But one thing specifically that caught my attention in his post I wanted to share here:



There's a thin line between narcissism and "following your bliss." Without some degree of sacrifice for the greater good, self-discovery eventually leads to plain old self-indulgence. Be aware of your tendency toward excessive self-centeredness even as you work to heal and love your own tender self.

With that in mind it got me thinking.  I try to indulge in “finding yourself” and helping others learn toimage appreciate the person God meant for you to be: Learning to love yourself so you can in turn more effectively love others.  But do we (ok I am pointing the finger at myself this time) do I cross this line sometimes?

Comfortable in my skin

I enjoy being comfortable in my own skin.  This was a long time coming and now at the I feel I have finally found out more about who I am than ever before in my history.

So the question then is where is that line for self-centeredness? I don’t want to be guilty of self-centeredness… and a quick interjection here: I have been working on my ‘ of improving my spiritual walk: I am now consistently attending Wednesday night classes at my church (hadn’t been on Wednesdays in a year or three) and I am trying (emphasis trying) to be more consistent with my devotional and Bible reading time.  Hey, it’s still a work in progress with me and I gave my readers that list of goals so you could keep me accountable.  But I digress… talking about me again; let’s get back to my fear of being self-centered:

Here is another article/blog post on the topic of narcissism that really makes you stop and evaluate your walk; wow.

What do you think?

I sincerely want to hear your thoughts because this isn’t ‘all about me.’  Share your opinions below in the comments section.

And here’s a link to a test to see if you are Narcissistic according to an article in USA Today last year.

Find yourself… keeping it real.

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