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Mar 9, 2011

Keeping the Sabbath and other justifications for taking vacation

Well it’s just a few minutes after ten and my kiddos are in bed. (CAN YOU BELIEVIE IT?) would say, wow, that’s a first. (I know you well enough by now, Mr. M.)

No, I am pretty tight about the 9:30 and 10:00 o’clock rules for bed time.  Kass slides in just past 9:30 (yes most nights) but she goes to sleep fast and is asleep by the time I get Jas off to bed at 10:00.  They have learned I am a strong advocate of .  And usually (as of the last several months at least) I go to bed shortly after they do and get to sleep about 10:30.  Sleep helps us regenerate for the next day when we get up and do what we do all over again.

Sleep is sort of like keeping the Sabbath, or allowing yourself to have down-time.  Although you need some “down-time” while you are still awake as well.  Do you ever take a day of your weekend to do nothing?  A half day? (This is rare for me, though I try to get in a good nap on Sunday afternoons after church. Oh wait, that’s sleep again, not just down-time.)  But I do at least plan a vacation each year.

That is what is in the works around here. We have at least requested some dates off from work for our ‘joint’ family vacation again this summer.  What we have in mind is a biggie with the kiddos, but I don’t want to share exact details just yet because we need to clarify some of the plans before we go wild and crazy and start talking about it on the world wide web for all to see.  For now, dates are being set and secured with our employers and more calls will have to be made and budgeting calculated….  then we can start looking forward to a week of wonder and memory making.

Oh and I haven’t taken pictures of the yet.  But do you really want to see it while it still needs a fresh coat of paint on the ceiling (because of the scars behind the old light fixture)?

In the meantime, below are some pics taken in the past few months, that I don’t think you have seen just yet.  I picked some of my fav’s.




Find yourself

Photo Credit: Katherine Shinault
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