Yesterday was Mother's Day. And no, I didn't forget. But after going to church yesterday morning and having lunch with my family and my sister's family... I went home and did absolutely nothing... except chill on the couch, nap (in and out as the kiddos came in and out) and read. It was a totally relaxing afternoon and evening. So I also didn't get to post a blog for you yesterday....
Z ... Z... Z......
I hope you other moms out there reading my blog... got to do the same thing - relax.
But my Happy Mother's Day wish to all of you moms..... is a day late.
Kass made me a card and gave me some nail polish... we plan to do each other's nails I can share a pic or two and you can see the color she gave me. Jas of course isn't the card giving kind... but he is a guy... ya know.
And since I didn't get all creative and write a poem or a special post for my mom... (that will be coming later, I hope); I wanted to share with you a poem for moms that Donald Miller shared on his recent blog, "The Lanyard" by Billy Collins. Go on over to that link and check it out.
Hope your day was wonderful. Mine sure was.
So now relaxing is over and it's time for me to get back to it!
Find yourself... keeping it real.