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Jul 31, 2009

I'm In Love


I'm in L.O.V.E.

...with my readers...

I don't know to how express the appreciation for everyone that tweeted up, shouted out and shared with their social media groups about the recent contest.  But I am humbled, amazed, and truly in love with all of you readers out there - that stop by, say hi, and kick a tire or two.... and I want to thank you for your support on my blog.

Blogging has been my outlet for writing (which I love to do), my place to vent, and time to share with the whole wide world of a web about my journey.  Here I have found great companionship from those who are also traveling this road of single mom life and others who just want to share as fellow moms or friends... interested in keeping up with .  I have been able to talk about with stories that are sometimes fun/funny (at least I think so) or sometimes sad.  My readers have seen the struggles that come with getting back out there after divorce but also heard about the "interesting" people that I have met through that process.

Recently I  have even been approached to do some reviews and giveaways - and that has been so awesome - to be able to give back to my readers and in turn take blogging up to the next level.  I don't make a feasible income from the site... (yeah I still work a day job), but if I can give a few things away from sponsors now and then.... that makes it worthwhile for me - and I hope for you too!!!  Oh and by the way, very soon I will be putting together another bag of goodies from .  So stay tuned to hear more about how to get that.

As I received more comments along the way, it intrigued me to share even more in keeping it real as I walked this journey.  And now with each 'paced' step I want to continue to stop and smell the roses and in turn give you a glimpse of what is real in my world.

So I hope you will take a minute to read a few more posts, find out about the (if you are new here) and then subscribe to the rest.  And don't forget: continue to share with me by leaving your comments.   I truly love hearing from you!

Find yourself... keeping it real.

Photo Credit:  http://www.ucd.ie/quinn/t4cms/i_love_blogging-787805.jpg

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